North Mar Church is a place where people love Jesus, grow together, and serve our world. We are connecting people with Jesus through biblical preaching, engaging worship and life-giving growth groups. Our desire is to declare the love and truth of Jesus locally and globally. Come join us for one of our worship experiences!

When we Meet
Traditional Service
Contemporary Services
9:30AM & 11:00am

Open 10:00am-11:00am
Come grab some amazing coffee before or after service at the Corner Cafe in the Fellowship Hall!

Connect and engage with us all week long via the North Mar App. You can now watch our latest messages, give online, view our most updated outreach opportunities and register for upcoming events all from your mobile device. Use the links below to download the app today!
Connect and engage with us all week long via the North Mar App.
You can now watch our latest messages, give online, view
our most updated outreach opportunities and register for
upcoming events all from your mobile device. Use the links
below to download the app today!
You can now watch our latest messages, give online, view
our most updated outreach opportunities and register for
upcoming events all from your mobile device. Use the links
below to download the app today!